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Social Services & Childcare

When a local authority and Social Services become involved in your family we understand how traumatic it can be.  Our childcare team can offer you sound advice and support to help you through the process. We can also put you in touch with other organisations and professionals to help you.

Our specialist family law team can offer advice in relation to the following issues:

If care proceedings have started or whether Social Services are holding meetings about children within your family, our childcare team offers clear legal advice based on years of experience.

We can also act on behalf of children through Court appointed Guardians.

What if care proceedings have started?

It is vital you get an experienced and regulated lawyer to deal with your case as soon as possible. Getting proper advice from a legal expert will help you understand what is happening and will help you to have a greater say in how your family is dealt with by Social Services.

What if Social Services is involved but there are no court proceedings?

We can still help you. We can explain to you what Social Services representatives are asking you to do and help to ensure that you are being treated fairly.

What will it cost you?

The Childcare Team at Watkins & Gunn is committed to Public Funding (Legal Aid) and at a first meeting we can advise you as to your eligibility. If you are a parent and care proceedings have already been started you will be entitled automatically to help with your legal costs.

Contact Us

Contact us today to see how we can help you.


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