We wish to help victims of this abuse, along with their families, in order to claim compensation. Watkins & Gunn layers are committed to access to justice for all members of society and we have a substantial track record in ensuring that those in later life – and their families – receive legal support and redress after what can be a difficult and distressing time for those concerned.
Care providers have a general duty of care and this extends to our older generation who often require continual care and assistance.
We understand that most care providers deliver a high standard of care but not all carers have the best interest of their patient at heart. There are inevitable incidents of critical omissions, neglect and abuse. These apply in particular to the older generation who are often unable to speak out and call for help, making them vulnerable to inappropriate treatment.
The World Health Organisation defines Elder abuse as: ‘a single or repeated act or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person‘.
If you think that your elderly friend or relative has received poor treatment please contact us today. Our specialist lawyers offer a friendly, expert, clear service and will be happy to advise you.